WDCC members Michael Thee and Mary Wohlgemuth of Flow Studio Jewelry are in their fifth year of teaching metalwork workshops at the big consumer jewelry-making show in Milwaukee, the Bead&Button Show. This year the pair are offering classes where students learn how to fabricate a pendant, stacking rings, and interlocking rings, and they are also leading an etching class where students will make their own patterns to impress on metal in the rolling mill.
Workshops at the show begin June 2, and there’s still time to sign up for classes. To find Michael & Mary's classes, go to www.beadandbuttonshow.com and go to Classes>Teachers and search on Thee or Wohlgemuth. Registered class attendees are invited to a show floor preview Thursday evening, June 6, where they can shop for jewelry-making supplies, tools, and artisan-made components. The show floor opens Friday, June 7, to the general public.