Wisconsin Craft Presents


Plymouth Art Center Gallery Hours: Closed Mondays  |  Tuesday - Fridays: 10 AM - 4 PM   |  Saturdays: 12 PM - 3 PM

For over a century, what is now Wisconsin Craft has worked to promote crafts persons as artisans who design and produce work of their own hands. The long-running Biennial Exhibition is an opportunity for Wisconsin Craft Members to showcase their most innovative work in a juried gallery setting. 

The Plymouth Arts Center, the leading arts destination in western Sheboygan County, is hosting our exhibit. Located in historic downtown Plymouth, WI, the community non-profit is dedicated to its mission “To enliven the spirit of our community and to enrich the lives of all, by providing diverse experiences in the arts!” 

Wisconsin Craft is excited to have this opportunity for our members to show their work to a wider audience in the East Central region of Wisconsin. Visitors will find a wide range of art media in the Exhibition, much of will be available for purchase through the PAC.

2025 Wisconsin Craft Member
Biennial Exhibition

March 7 - April 25, 2025
Gallery 10 North, Plymouth Art Center
520 E Mill St., Plymouth, WI 53073

Please join us in a celebration of fine craftsmanship and artistic innovation! The Reception and Exhibition are free and open to the public.

Opening Reception Event Information

Information for Participating Artists

Become a Member

Wisconsin Craft members enjoy a wide variety of activities, like our member exhibitions which provide local and state wide exposure for our members. All members are welcome to get involved and help shape the organization as it grows.

Join the Wisconsin Craft Community

Member Biennial Exhibition

March 24 - May 27, 2023  |  Center for Visual Arts, Wausau 

Wisconsin Craft is excited to have this opportunity for our members to show their work to a wider audience in the Central and Northern regions of WI.  

The theme of “Regeneration” was chosen to highlight the regeneration of the oldest arts organization in the state as Wisconsin Craft. Additionally, the changes in our members’ personal and professional lives over the last several years have led to renewed sense of purpose and/or new directions in many of their individual art practices.

View Virtual Tour

Beyond the Norm

Creating Through Abnormal Times

March 5th - 30th, 2021

In partnership with Alverno College,  Wisconsin Craft presents the creative work of 37 Wisconsin Craft members that expresses how the seismic events of this past year have impacted our artists personally and how it is reflected in their art. We hope you will be able to enjoy the exhibition virtually! 

View Virtual Tour

Makers & Masters...Tradition in Transition

Plymouth Art Center - Gallery 10 North

January 24 - March 6, 2020

2020 WDCC Biennial Members Exhibition at the Plymouth Arts Center included the work of over fifty Makers and Masters of Fine Craft along with thirteen collaborative works by our members.  

Wisconsin Craft

8469 North 50th Street

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223


Wisconsin Craft is a IRS Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity.
Federal Tax ID: 86-3186271

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